Morelia is the capital of the state of Michoacan in Central South Mexico. Like most Mexican cities, it is an appealing combination of its historic colonial beginnings and modernity. In Morelia one can witness tradition and heritage from pre-Columbian times, recognize the impacts of European colonization through its architecture, social norms and assimilated religion, and have access to  a dizzying array of arts, culture, food, drink and nightlife.

Chris and I have found the charm of Morelia pulling us closer and closer. While it has every convenience of any major city, it maintains a quaintness and manageability that perfectly matches our speed. More interestingly though, we find the LGBT community to be thoroughly unbarred and unapologetically present in Morelia. Morelia is host to a variety of LGBT events, including a Pride March that is 13 years running.

The proximity to the pine-forested mountains to the south and to the east make Morelia a fantastic destination for those whom are more inclined toward the out of doors or are looking to spend time in secluded nature. And speaking of nature, just east of Morelia is the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve. Every year, hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies migrate from Canada and the United States to a relatively small area in eastern Michoacan and its neighbor, the State of Mexico.