We are happy to talk about us, so read along!
Raised in Comonfort, Guanajuato, Eduardo is passionate about sharing the culture and beauty of central Mexico. He spent half a lifetime in the US Pacific Northwest, so he is glad to be back in Central Mexico helping new visitors explore the area through OTOMI TRAVEL.

Raised in various parts of Southeast Asia and Hawaii, his partner Chris is passionate about the natural world. Because of this, he values the urgency of engaging with it in an empathic and non-damaging manner.
We met in late 2016 and found ourselves with a strong desire to leave the United States and find a new place to call home. Central Mexico made sense for both of us, so we chose to move to this gentler part of the world. We quickly combined our passions and our desire to share unique travel experiences with others. Thus, OTOMI TRAVEL was born. Many ideas and dreams came to mind, so we picked just a few. We chose day-trips, custom travel experiences and vacation packages organized in advance. And that is what OTOMI TRAVEL is.
Join Eduardo and Chris on exploratory tours of Central Mexico. And do contact us with any questions about OTOMI TRAVEL.